Saturday, May 20, 2017, the family gathered to celebrate the long, cherished, and remarkable lives of our dear departed loved ones, Esther and Dante Renzoni. Though the weather was cold and dismal, the spirits inside the Reef Point Restaurant banquet room were warm and inviting. Family members from all generation braved the bad weather to renew old acquaintances and most of all share stories about Esther and Dante.
My first stop was to give my cousin Rita some pictures my mother Adeline gave me for her. Among them, some precious pics of us as children. For some months our two families lived one on top of the other in a two-flat home on Hamilton Street, just a few blocks from Kelly's Corner. Rita amazed me with the details she remembered going back all those years, in particular about a blind neighbor girl Rita was desperate to Helen-Keller communicate with. Rita and I were best buds growing up!
Next, I sat down with Billy Bencriscutto and Mary Pulda. Also at our table was the long-time caregiver for Esther and Dante at their assisted living facility. She share intimate details about their last days and hours with us. When Fred Bencriscutto join our table the discussion shifted to our fathers' faithful WWII service, Santo, who took part in the Battle of the Bulge, Fred, who was a guard during the Nuremberg Trials after the war, and Louis, who was a radar technician in the Navy in the Pacific.
A number of family "treasures" were on display. The above painting was an airloom that was once featured in Grandma and Grandpa Bencriscutto's home, and was later kept by Esther.
This LaFamiglia blog, of course, was the result of Uncle Fred's passion to see the family thrive and connect--his legacy before he passed. In his memory, then, I submit this blog post and hope that other family members will add to it with pics and other stories.